Braden Filtration Products
Is your air filtration system truly optimized for your industry's unique requirements?
TRIPLEXON LLC is here to ensure it is. We've partnered with Braden Filtration to offer specialized air filtration solutions across various sectors, including energy, power, oil, gas, and construction. Our product lineup, designed for diverse industrial applications, includes high-performing OEM grade air filters, dust collection pulse cartridges, V-Cell Mini pleat final filters, and gas turbine air inlet pulse cartridges. Notably, our PremierWeb™️ nanofiber pulse cartridges and PremierTEX™️ E12 HEPA Filters stand out for their exceptional durability and filtration efficiency. With our strong international presence and an upcoming office in Kuwait, we're committed to providing immediate and expert support tailored to your regional and industry-specific needs.

ExCel® Pulse Cartridges
ExCel® Pulse Cartridges
For over 40 years, ExCel® brand pulse filters have provided durable cost-efficient filtration high-efficiency air inlet systems for gas turbines. Filters can include a variety of end cap configurations such as round, square, or rectangular flanges, or shaped in oval or conical shapes.
- Moisture resistant 80/20 blended Wet Laid
- 100% Synthetic Wet Laid
- Polyester Spun Bond
- FR (fire retardant) finishes
- Hydrophobic treatments

PremierWeb™ Nanofiber Cartridges
Premier Web™ Nanofiber Cartridges
established a new benchmark in filter efficiency and pulse filter durability. Combined with the latest in bi-component fiber technology Premier Web™ filters provide extended periods of lower operating pressure drop than older conventional nanofiber filters.
Functionalized options:
- Premier Web™ HD – exhibits 3x the strength and durability
- Premier Web™ HP – Super Hydro-oleophobic surface for high moisture
- Premier Web™ 3D – Micro-depth loading layer for extended low DP
- Premier Web™ FR – Fire retardant finish

LM6000 Canister Filters
LM6000 Canister Filter
The 100% synthetic media canister filter is designed specifically for the reverse high flow environment of the composite style LM6000 air inlet system.
- Exceeds minimum efficiencies > 70% @ 0.4 um
- 40% lower initial pressure drop when compared to OEM Filter
- Higher dust loading capacity
- Improved operation during humidity and high moisture

PFS® Pre-Filters
PFS® Pre-Filters
PFS® Pre-Filters are comprised of synthetic nonwoven substrates, treated with proprietary fine and nanofibers to increase capturing efficiency of smaller size ranges of particles. Typically installed upstream of high efficiency barrier filters, the right prefilter will trap a higher percentage of fine and coarse particles prolonging the life of the final filter. Construction includes wire backed and glue bead supported pleated structures to stabilize pleat uniformity and maximize flow and dust loading capacity.
- PFS-4™ – MERV 8 and MERV 11 filters with high capacity, wire supported pleat design with fine fiber treatment
- Premier-Pleat™ – MERV 13 filters with high capacity, glue bead supported pleated design with nanofiber treatment
All PFS® Pre-Filters are provided in standard 2” and 4” depths. Custom sizes and depth are available upon request.

CLS® Coalescing Filters
CLS® Coalescing Filters
CLS® Coalescing filters have been globally recognized to exhibit extraordinary level of durability and efficiency in the capture of mist and water droplets. Manufactured with Synthetic fiber construction and stabilized with a down stream plastic screen and/or wire mesh, the two-piece CLS® system provides easy access for removal and installation of replacement elements.
- MERV 6/M5

Evaporative Cooling Media
Evaporative Cooler Components
Braden Filtration provides a full range of highly efficiency cooler media components including cooler media, distribution pads, and droplet eliminators to assure your gas turbine is experiencing the highest performance possible. High quality and certified replacement evaporative cooling pads are available in a wide range of standard sizes, and can be custom ordered (cut to length) for an exact fit any evaporative cooler systems. Manufactured from resin impregnated cellulose based media, and available with a leading edge coating treatment to reduce abrasion and mineral deposits.
Ready to get any
of the filters above?
Contact our partner in the Middle East